Volume 02, Number 1-2 (2004)


AJA Open Access Volume

  1. AJA 2(1-2) 2004 (9.2 MB)

Table of Contents


Special Section: “Making It”
Introduction: Making It: Creating Artifacts in the Anthropological Setting
Margaret Blackman and Molly Lee

First, the Caribou
Margaret Blackman

Not Making It: Formalism, Cultural Significance and the Study of Native American Basketry
Molly Lee

“Is That a Sled You’re Making?” “Ah, No, and Bookcase.” Learning, Handwork and Visual Iconography in some Yup’ik Contexts
Chase Hensel

Re-covering It: The Anaktuvuk Pass Kayak Project
Angela Linn

Not all Driftwood is Created Equal: Wood Use and Value along the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers, Alaska
Claire Alix and Karen Brewster

Learning, Making, Transforming: Conclusions on Making It
Aldona Jonaitis

The Significance of Dog Traction for the Analysis of Prehistoric Arctic Societies
William L. Sheppard

A History of Human Land Use on St. Matthew Island, Alaska
Dennis Griffin

Redating the Hot Springs Village Site in Port Moller, Alaska
Herbert D. G. Maschner

Radiocarbon Dates from the Early Holocene Component of a Stratified Site (SEL-009) at Aurora Lagoon, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Janet R. Klein and Peter Zollars

A Punuk Whale Bone Grave from Sivuqaq, St. Lawrence Island: Evidence of High Social Standing, AD 775-1020
David P. Staley and Owen K. Mason

Observations on Researching and Managing Alaska Native Oral History: A Case Study
Kenneth L. Pratt

Book Reviews
Shem Pete’s Alaska: The Territory of the Upper Cook Inlet Dena’ina, 2nd ed.
Reviewed by Don E. Dumond

Northern Athabascan Survival, Women, Community and the Future
Reviewed by Steve J. Langdon

Through Spanish Eyes: Spanish Voyages to Alaska, 1774-1792
Reviewed by J. David McMahan

Faith, Food & Family in a Yupik Whaling Community
Reviewed by Katherine Reedy-Maschner

Archaeology on the Alaska Peninsula: The Leader Creek Site and Its Context
Reviewed by R. K. Harritt