Awards & Scholarships

Through its awards and scholarships program, the Alaska Anthropological Association seeks to recognize outstanding work by its members, to support professional development, and to encourage the academic excellence of students.

Each fall the Association issues a call to its membership for award nominations, student scholarship applications, travel grants, and entries in the Edwin S. Hall student paper competition.  Submissions and supporting materials may be submitted starting November 1st and will be due in January 15th for all scholarships, awards, and the paper competition. Travel grant applications will be due December 15th of the year prior to the spring conference. The Awards & Scholarship Committee review applications and make recommendations for approval by the Association’s Board.  It is not required that any award, scholarship, or prize be given every year. If you are interested in joining the Awards and & Scholarship review committee, please contact Caroline Ketron at alaskaanthroaward.scholarship [at] gmail [dot] com.

Recipients are announced at the awards banquet and business meeting at the Association’s Annual Conference in the spring. All awardees must be members in good standing; they will be given advance notice of their awards and receive free tickets to the banquet. Information on individual programs, including downloadable nomination and application forms, are available from this web page (see menu to left).  Questions, completed applications, and supporting materials may be submitted online using the link on the page for each award, or by email to (alaskaanthroaward.scholarship [at] gmail [dot] com­)