Ca. 7,000 year old caribou mandible from the Tingmiukpuk archaeological site in Gates of the Arctic National Park. NPS photo by Jeff Rasic

Welcome to the Alaska Anthropological Association


Founded in 1974, the Association is a statewide professional organization for people working, studying and interested in all areas of northern anthropology. Today, the Association has over 200 active members in Alaska, the United States and countries including Canada, France, Denmark, Norway, and Japan. For more than thirty years its members have helped to break new ground in basic and applied research, to build collaborations between researchers and communities, and to foster public knowledge and interest in circumpolar cultural heritage. The Association’s annual meetings are an international forum for projects in archaeology, linguistics, cultural studies, oral history, medical anthropology, museum exhibitions, cultural resource management, human genetics, and more. Our peer-reviewed publications – the Alaska Journal of Anthropology and Aurora monograph series – hold a growing and respected place in the literature of the north.

The Alaska Anthropological Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that depends on dues, contributions, and the volunteer efforts of its members. It offers student, regular, and institutional memberships, all including an annual subscription to the Alaska Journal of Anthropology.



September 06, 2024

52nd Annual Meeting – Call for Symposia and Sessions now open!

The Alaska Anthropological Association will hold its 52nd Annual Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska March 13 through the 15 on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus.  March 12 is reserved for workshops and training opportunities that will be held in the Beatrice McDonald Hall.  March 13-15 will include presentations, the banquet and awards (Friday, March 14), . . . MORE
January 12, 2024

Job announcement: Permanent Seasonal Archaeologist

The Office of History and Archaeology at the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources is seeking to hire a permanent seasonal Archaeologist 1-2 to join the Archaeological survey unit. Primary responsibilities involve conducting literature research, field investigations, laboratory processing and analysis, and report writing. Other tasks include research and writing for National Register of . . . MORE
January 09, 2024

Deadline for abstract submissions extended!

The deadline for submitting paper and poster abstracts to the 51st Annual Meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association has been extended to Sunday, January 14th. Submit your abstracts here!