Ca. 7,000 year old caribou mandible from the Tingmiukpuk archaeological site in Gates of the Arctic National Park. NPS photo by Jeff Rasic

Officer Nominations & Elections

The call for nominations for the Alaska Anthropological Association Board of Directors is open until January 20, 2023. 

Four general board positions and the student board position are open.

The Board of Directors serves as the Association’s main governing body.  Board members represent the general membership by making decisions and taking actions on behalf of the Association. The Board of Directors holds a regular meeting once a month and is responsible for developing the Association’s annual budget, granting scholarships and awards, distributing the Alaska Journal of Anthropology, managing the association website and social media, and helping to coordinate the annual meeting. Other duties of  Board members include bringing to the Board’s attention issues of relevance to the Association and the anthropological community in Alaska, voting on issues that come before the Board, serving on committees that work on Association business, gathering information required for Board actions, carrying out Board actions on behalf of the Association, authorizing the expenditure of Association funds, and taking such actions as further the purposes of the Association. Board members are elected for a two-year term and may serve no more than two consecutive elected terms.