
2024 AkAA Annual Meeting Announcements

Date Posted: December 1, 2023       Categories: Uncategorized

51st Annual Meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association
Fairbanks, Alaska – Westmark Hotel and Conference Center
February 21-24, 2024

Please visit our Annual Meeting page for more details.

Registration: There are still a few details to line up before registration can officially open, but we wanted to share this year’s rate structure (not including meal options). We’ve worked hard to reduce registration costs while also staying on budget with the goal each year to have the conference pay for itself through registration and sponsorships. In response to member feedback, and to make the conference more accessible, there is a daily rate of $75 and a community partner rate of $50. The community partner rate is intended for anyone that would not normally attend the conference but is involved in a specific project or is contributing to the ongoing work of an organization. If you have questions about this new rate or are wondering if someone you work with qualifies, please contact us.

Member rate: $150

Non-member rate: $250

Student rate: $75

Community Partner rate: $50

Daily rate: $75


Meals, Events, and Keynote Schedule: We’re planning on two keynote speakers again this year, but each will give a luncheon talk. Rather than a Friday night banquet, there will be a Friday lunch to free up the evening for conference goers to also attend the Festival of Native Arts on the University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus. A second lunch and keynote speaker will be on Saturday. Plans are also in the works for the opening reception, a student mixer, and the ACZ workshops and details will be shared once they’re available.

Keynote Speaker: This year’s conference will feature Pavel Sulyandziga, President of the Batani Foundation and U.S. Congressional Representative Mary Peltola as our keynote speakers.