
Upcoming Historic Preservation Training in Alaska

Date Posted: January 25, 2019       Categories: Uncategorized

Mark your calendars – opportunities on the horizon. We invite you to learn, network, and refresh your knowledge with events planned or co-sponsored by the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology in Spring 2019. Updates and future training opportunities can be found on our Workshops and Trainings page.


Sarah Meitl

Review and Compliance Coordinator

Alaska State Historic Preservation Office / Office of History and Archaeology

550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1310

Anchorage, AK 99501-3510




Historic Preservation Training, Office of History and Archaeology (OHA)

April 23, 2019

In keeping with the Historic Preservation Plan, OHA is exploring options to provide training opportunities about historic preservation and the National Register Program. Based on interest, OHA may have a Basic 106/Historic Preservation training designed to introduce new practitioners to historic preservation. The training is tentatively scheduled from 1-4 at the Atwood Building in Anchorage on Tuesday, April 23. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sarah Meitl at sarah.meitl[at] by March 23, 2019 – a minimum of 15 students will be required to move forward with the training. The draft agenda includes: Section 106 Basics, Best Practices – What to submit for review, Best Consultation Practices, Best Agreement Document Practices, AHRS Basics, and a tutorial on using the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS). Keep an eye out on our Workshops and Trainings page for updates on this and future training opportunities.

OHA/SHPO Annual Workshop

April 24, 2019

OHA’s Annual Workshop is April 24, 2019 at the BP Center in Anchorage from 8:30 am – 5 pm. This year’s program seeks to provide professionals working with OHA/SHPO program updates and guidance through examples and case studies. The draft agenda includes: AHRS Updates, OHA/SHPO Program Updates, Archaeological Survey, what is a site, Determinations of Eligibility, Alaska Roads PA Update, and Public Outreach.

Landscape Preservation: An Introduction, National Preservation Institute (NPI)

April 29-30, 2019

In this introduction to the basics of cultural landscapes, learn about designed, vernacular, and ethnographic landscapes, and historic sites. Review applicable laws and regulations, and discuss how to identify and inventory character-defining features of a landscape. Explore the concepts of preservation planning and documentation, and the development of the cultural landscape report for use in managing historic and cultural landscapes. Case studies illustrate realistic approaches to effective landscape management and preservation.

Landscape Preservation: Advanced Tools for Managing Change, NPI

May 1, 2019

In this advanced landscape preservation seminar, explore the sometimes conflicting issues that direct the process of change and decision making for challenging landscapes. Review the practice and discuss the implications of inventorying, evaluating, treating, and maintaining landscape resources. Identify tools and techniques for managing change when difficult issues affect the process. Understand the philosophical foundations for making sound, educated decisions about the preservation and long-term management of historic and cultural landscapes.