Ca. 7,000 year old caribou mandible from the Tingmiukpuk archaeological site in Gates of the Arctic National Park. NPS photo by Jeff Rasic


Help save the UAA Master of Arts degree in Anthropology!

Date Posted: March 2, 2020       Categories: Uncategorized

Many of the AkAA members already know, but for those who don’t, the MA program in Anthropology at UAA is in jeopardy. The Dean has made a recommendation to delete the MA program in Anthropology at UAA. The BA/BS degrees are recommended for continuation. Alumni and friends of the department have stepped time and again over the last five years to support our program by writing letters and testifying before the Board of Regents and we appreciate your efforts. This time the situation is more dire and the UA budget will be cut by 70 million dollars of State support over the next three years. The loss of the MA program may be a consequence of this. The department submitted on February 28 our response to this decision – they are united in wanting to fight this decision and save the MA program for continuance in the future, once the budget crisis is over. UAA is asking that rather than deleting the MA program, the university suspend it so it can be re-established when conditions are more favorable.

The process will go through several steps. The Provost will review the recommendations from the Dean of our college and submit his findings to Chancellor Sandeen on March 9. There is a period from March 9 to March 18 for feedback, then the Chancellor makes her decision on March 23. This process will be finalized through a meeting of the Board of Regents on June 4/5.

So what can you do to help? UAA department of anthropology faculty are asking that you send letters of support by March 9 to Chancellor Sandeen (with a copy to the anthropology department) describing how their applied program is unique to Alaska, and our place and importance within the anthropological community. Chancellor Sandeen’s address is: University of Alaska Anchorage, 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508. You can also email her at (Please cc Clare Dannenberg, the anthropology department chair,