technological organization in the late holocene:
results from the clearview site (xmh-1303)……………………………………………………….. 1
Briana N. Doering, Julie A. Esdale, and Senna D. Catenacci
middle-late holocene archaeology of the upper diamond fork valley,
yukon-charley rivers national preserve………………………………………………. 20
Caitlin R. Holloway
thule-era fuel selection and management at cape espenberg, alaska……………………………………………………………… 35
Laura J. Crawford
design reconstruction of an old bering sea “winged object” from chukotka, russia…………………………………………………… 55
Elena S. Sukhorukova, Translated by Richard L. Bland
prehistoric settlement patterns and the role of caribou (rangifer tarandus)
in the region of the western chugach mountains, elmendorf moraine,
and anchorage lowlands………………… 62
Gerad M. Smith, Eleanor M. Bishop, and Margan A. Grover
radiocarbon dates from the central aleutian upland archaeological project, southwest adak island: 2007–2012………………………………………………………. 74
Jake Anders and Diane K. Hanson
qax̂un settlement on a sulfur deposit (rat-00162), little sitkin island,
western aleutians, alaska………………… 82
Caroline Funk and Debra Corbett
thesis and dissertation abstracts………. 93
Monty Rogers