
May is National Historic Preservation Month

Date Posted: May 1, 2018       Categories: Uncategorized

The National Trust for Historic Preservation promotes May as Historic Preservation Month to encourage saving important places in communities across the country.  The Trust is asking people to share photos of special events and places during the month on their social media sites, #ThisPlaceMatters and @SavingPlaces and invites comments on what preservation means to people.  They have a prepared a toolkit that can be found at

For the month, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, National Park Service, and National Trust have teamed up to hold a photo contest, “Picture Yourself in a Historic Place.”  Everyone is invited to share photos of themselves, family, and friends enjoying a historic place using the hashtag #MyHistoricPlace.  The photo must have a caption that includes the name and location of the historic place.  You must tag the @USACHP, @NationalRegisterNPS, @NPSCLP, @NPSParkCLP, and @savingplaces.  One winner will be picked weekly through May and announced each Tuesday on the Advisory Council’s social media sites.  For more information and to view the photos go to and click on Campaigns.