
AJA Thesis Abstracts Due 9/25/18

Date Posted: September 12, 2018       Categories: Uncategorized

The Alaska Journal of Anthropology (AJA) is seeking thesis and dissertation abstracts relating to Alaska anthropological research to publish in a future issue. Abstracts must be from 2016 or later.

Professors get after your students to submit their abstracts. Students, if you’re defending your thesis/dissertation this winter, get me your abstract by September 25, 2018. Friends and colleagues if you know someone who recently graduated, encourage them to submit their abstract. This is one of the easiest and best ways to share your research: 1) you don’t have to write anything new because you’re submitting the abstract you’ve already written; 2) your abstract gets published in a peer-reviewed journal; and 3) the abstract section of the AJA is free to download, so anyone can see it.

Abstract Submission Requirements:

  • AJA will accept BA, BS, MA, and MS theses and PhD dissertation abstracts for research on circumpolar arctic and sub-arctic anthropological research relevant to Alaska
  • Abstracts should be 200-500 words in length
  • Only the student who wrote the thesis or dissertation can submit the abstract
  • Abstract Submission Formatting:
  • Thesis Title (bold)
  • Author
  • Thesis or Dissertation, Degree, Year, Department, University
  • Hyperlink to download free .pdf of the thesis or dissertation
  • Abstract

Submittal of a thesis or dissertation abstract does not guarantee publication in the AJA.

Please email me at if you have any questions or comments. Thanks.


Monty Rogers

Archaeologist & Owner

Cultural Alaska

P.O. Box 200013

Anchorage 99520


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