
Public Lecture: Walakpa: How Salvaged Archaeological Remains Can Benefit Our Community

Date Posted: April 8, 2017       Categories: Uncategorized

April 25 – Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC) Science  – Utqiagvik

Dr. Anne Jensen and Kaare Siikuaq Erickson will describe the Walakpa Archaeology Salvage Project (WASP), work focused on a large and important archaeological site near Utqiagvik that is eroding into the Chukchi Sea. A hands on activity will show how toggle head harpoons work, how this technology has impacted human distribution in the Arctic, and how toggle head harpoon technology continues to be vital to Inupiat culture. 7pm, Tuzzy Library, Utqiagvik (Barrow) Alaska.