50 Memories
The countdown is on until the 50th Annual Meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association. To celebrate this auspicious event, we’ll be sharing a memory a week, for 50 weeks, leading right up to the start of the annual conference next year in Anchorage. Let’s take a look back at the fun and memories this Association has made over the last 50 years!
Week 11: The 1996 Belzoni Meeting delivers a standing ovation (Photo provided by G. Richard Scott).
Week 10: From the 1989 Conference at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel, Anchorage, AK.(Photo provided by APRCA, UAF, AK Anthro. Assoc. Collection #2003-060-05).

Week 9: SHART Run at 2010 Conference (Photo provided by Kelly Eldridge; photographer unknown).

Week 8: Fishing in the Nome area during the 2019 Conference (Photo provided by Kelly Eldridge).

Week 7: ACZ Workshop in 2017 (Photo provided by Kelly Eldridge).

Week 6: Joan Dale in 2002 at OHA AHRS section (Photo provided by Dave McMahan).

Week 5: The outgoing 2016 board (Photo provided by Julie Esdale).
Newsletter: Vol. 5, no. 1 1980
Newsletter: Vol. 4, no. 1 1979
Week 4: From the 1989 Conference at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel, Anchorage, AK.
Pictured: Susan Morton (APRCA, UAF, AK Anthro. Assoc. Collection #2003-060-17).

Newsletter: Vol. 3, no. 1 1977
Week 3: Though to be from the 2008 Conference banquet at the Anchorage Hilton. Pictured are John Cook and Ernest S. “Tiger” Burch, Jr.
Photo provided by G. Richard Scott.
Newsletter: Vol. 2, no 1 1977 (APRCA, UAF, AK Anthro. Assoc. Collection Box 1 Folder 3).
Week 2: No date or location given. Pictured: Christy Turner and Kerry Feldman with Roger Powers and Paul in the background.
Photo provided by G. Richard Scott.
The Second Newsletter: Vol 1, no. 2 1976 (APRCA, UAF, AK Anthro. Assoc. Collection Box 1 Folder 2).
Week 1: From the 1989 Conference at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel, Anchorage, AK.
Pictured: Charles Holmes and Glen Bacon (APRCA, UAF, AK Anthro. Assoc. Collection #2003-060-13).
First Newsletter: Vol. 1, no. 1 1975 (APRCA, UAF, AK Anthro. Assoc. Collection Box 1 Folder 2).