2025 Instructions for Paper and Poster presentations

The deadline for abstracts for Poster and Paper presentations is January 31st!

Paper Presentations:

Plan (and practice) for a 15-minute presentation.  This allows time for you to set up your presentation and for the transition to the next speaker’s presentation at the end of your talk – and perhaps a quick question or two.  This means the number of images you can share is limited.  A 15-minute presentation usually has 10-15 slides. Please make sure the slides are not too text heavy and are visible to the audience.  A graph with extremely small font does not convey information. Font size of 18 points or larger work well for oral presentations.  If you go over your scheduled time, you will be stopped by the session chair so the next person can make their presentation and we are able to maintain the schedule. Please be considerate of the other participants.
Bring your flash drive to the session chair at least 15 minutes before the session starts so your PowerPoint can be loaded onto the computer in your presentation room.  If you are late, it will cause
delays in the session.


Your poster will share space with another presenter on an 8 x 4-foot panel board.  Your poster should be no wider than 4-feet, although the vertical length can extend beyond the 4-foot wide board if you wish.  It does not matter if the orientation is landscape or portrait (or round or a square!) so long as it is not more than 4-feet wide. We will provide push pins but you might also consider bringing handouts or business cards, or including a QR code on your poster so interested people can contact you later.
Posters can be set up at 9am, Thursday March 13 in the Rasmuson Hall, and must be removed by the afternoon Saturday March 15.  There will be no building access Saturday evening or Sunday.  Do not plan to have electricity available in the poster area.  We will set up a one-hour period for poster presenters to stand by their posters once the conference schedule is established.  You will receive more information about the location and presentation time in February as we get closer to the conference date.

Examples of past conference posters can be found here.