Ca. 7,000 year old caribou mandible from the Tingmiukpuk archaeological site in Gates of the Arctic National Park. NPS photo by Jeff Rasic


UAF Archaeological Field School in Interior Alaska, 2017

Date Posted: April 16, 2017       Categories: Uncategorized
The UAF Anthropology Department is excited to announce this year’s archaeology field school in the Shaw Creek Basin in interior Alaska. UAF anthropology professor Dr. Ben Potter and PhD candidate Gerad Smith will be the instructors for the field school. Dr. Potter has led past nationally recognized field schools at the Mead and Gerstle River sites in interior Alaska for the last 20 years. UAF researchers and collaborators Drs. Charles Holmes and Joshua Reuther will be involved in the field work and geoarchaeology studies. For student testimony on UAF’s past field schools, just see this blog entry on the Archaeological Institute of America website by Emily Maskas: The field school is May 15th to June 17th. Applications are due May 1st.
To be considered, apply early by contacting Dr. Ben Potter ( or Gerad Smith ( for more information. For more information, you can visit: