
African American Civil Rights Grants (NPS)

Date Posted: September 4, 2018       Categories: Uncategorized

The National Park Service is accepting applications for African American Civil Rights grants.  Projects can be for survey, documentation, education, interpretation and preservation of sites associated with the African American struggle to gain equal rights in the 20th century.  States, local governments, Alaska Natives, and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.  The deadline is October 8, 2018.  For more information contact the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division, NPS, 202.354.2020 or preservation_grants_info[at]

Applications are also being accepted for 2018 Underrepresented Community grants.  The competitive grants are for surveys and inventories of historic properties and development of National Register of Historic Places nomination.  States, Alaska Natives, and Certified Local Governments are eligible to apply.  The application deadline is November 1, 2018.  Information is available at 202.354.2020 or preservation_grants_info[at]

NPS’s Technical Preservation Services program has digitized and made over 1,000 Historic Preservation Fund grant products available to the public.  There are examples of design guidelines, economic impact surveys, historic structure reports and preservation plans.  The web address is, and then select “Historic Preservation Fund (HPF)” and the category you want to see.